Amazing Journeys Start Here

While aviation has historically been quite successful in leveraging technology to reduce its contributions to climate change, clearly, there is more to do!

More recently, technological advancements in aircraft/engine design and manufacturing, alternative jet fuels, airport infrastructure and air traffic management, and maintenance practices have sustainability as part of its core value proposition.

The Opportunity to Build a SMART Green Aviation Ecosystem

Building on the wealth of natural and infrastructural resources in the mid-west region, there is an opportunity to develop a much larger presence in aviation technology development and manufacturing which would greatly build on Ireland’s market leadership in the FinTech, leasing and MRO elements of the aviation industry.

The opportunity is to expand the aviation technology industry in the mid-west leveraging the move towards renewable sources of energy for novel new aircraft in the effort to reduce global aviation emissions.

Ireland Enabling the “Green Aviation” Charge towards Zero-Emissions

  • “A Smart Green Aviation EcoSytem” Incubator Hub in Mid-West Ireland – 2022-2035+
  • Supporting Global strategy towards Ultra Efficient Low Carbon aircraft deployment by 2035
  • Focus on long-term Aviation Industry expansion and commercialization in Ireland
  • Coalition of Key Stakeholders collaborating on co-defined long-term Strategic Initiatives

Zero Emission Aircraft by 2035


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